Osteopathy is a holistic approach to health care that takes in consideration all the aspect of what makes you, you. It considers your mind, body expressions, any pre-existing health conditions, your lifestyle, work and social habits, hobbies, posture as you walk through your daily life.
Osteopaths are highly trained allied health care professionals who undertake a 4 years full time undergraduate course or over 5.5 years part time. Osteopaths provide safe and effective treatment for people of all ages and walks of life, from children to elderly. Vanessa is an Osteopath for the whole family, she focuses on women’s health and works with local independent midwifes.
What should I expect from my first appointment?
- a phone/video consultation taking full medical history and presenting symptoms prior to your visit
- you will fill up online forms
- self-care advice and support
- exercise/rehab therapies
- different modalities of manual therapy
- you may be asked to undress to underpants (tight sports works too) and bra (no sports bra that covers your spine or wired bra please)
- with new covid19 rules I will have to ask if you or anyone in your bubble may have symptoms like a new cough, temperature or loss of taste and smell
- bring your own pillow and 2 cloth to cover yourself
- during treatment you will receive manual treatment as well as guided/ supported exercises
Not sure if Osteopathy is the right thing for you?
Book a Free 15 minutes phone consultation here.

OsteoDoula Packages
OsteoDoula in your Home Package (from 20 weeks pregnancy):
✔ 5 Osteopathy/Massage treatments
✔ Pre Natal Pilates tailored exercise plan + 5x 30 min Video maintenance call per month
✔ Bonus 1: first session in person (usually with second treatment)
✔ Post Natal Pilates tailored exercise plan + 1 x 30min maintenance Call
✔ 8 Monthly Mentoring/meeting 30 min Video call till
✔ Bonus 2: Mommy and partner birth prep meeting in person
✔ Bonus 3: For only the first 5 to book! 3x cranial osteopathy treatments for your baby in the comfort of your Home!
NOTE: PRE AND POST NATAL ONLY, BIRTH IS NOT INCLUDEDOsteoDoula Clinic Package (From 20 weeks pregnancy):
✔ 5 Osteopathy/Massage treatments
✔ Pre Natal Pilates tailored exercise plan + 5x 30 min Video maintenance call per month
✔ Bonus 1: first session in person (usually with second treatment)
✔ Post Natal Pilates tailored exercise plan + 1 x 30min Maintenance video Call
✔ 8 Monthly Mentoring/meeting 30 min Video call
✔ Bonus 2: Mommy and partner birth prep meeting in person
✔ Bonus 3: For only the first 5 to book! 3x cranial osteopathy treatments for your baby in the comfort of your Home!

OsteoDoula Labour Help Call
Are you planning to have a natural birth? Book a home visit and treatment to help during the first phases of labour to improve your chances of coping with the first intense feelings before welcoming your baby to this world. BOOK NOW